
Filed under Junk Drawer.


I have a head cold, which JH so kindly shared. I haven’t been able to write for a week as this thing has done me in some and I’ve been a couch potato and bed potato. On another note, while watching Pirates of the Caribbean: The Black Pearl, one of the ships used was The… More

The Inscription by Pam Binder

Filed under Writing.


I’m reading The Inscription by Pam Binder. Full disclosure, she’s the instructor for my writing certificate program. Even still, I am pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoy her novel. Granted I’m only on the first chapter – but the fact I’m enjoying it so much already says something. I’ve always liked the idea of… More

O Brother, Where ARt Thou?

Filed under Junk Drawer.


Loosely based on Homer’s “Odyssey,” I’d argue this movie, O Brother, Where Art Thou?  should also be listed under the category “musical” but it’s not. When I ask  people about their thoughts,  there is an evenly divided split between folks who consider this movie a musical and those who don’t. The good news is no… More

Star Wars X-wing Miniatures Game

Filed under Geek Girl.


JH is a collector of action figures. I am not. I’m not a collector of anything really, unless you count some of my tea accoutrements. So when he started purchasing X-wing game miniatures and our home was invaded by boxes of various ships from Star Wars my reaction was a bit alarmed. Lucky for me,… More