Sailing Adventure: Research

Filed under Writing.


Writing is exciting. An adventure in itself. I am learning all about plot, character development, expressing emotion, pacing, etc. And at the same time I get to use writing as an excuse to explore new experiences…like sailing! My brother and I went on The Lady Washington, a replica merchant vessel from the 1700’s. Similar to… More

Sister’s Wedding + a bajillion other weddings

Filed under Junk Drawer.


Wow. Weddings. I’ve been a bridesmaid or involved in over 8 weddings in the last two years. That’s a lot. JH says we could write a children’s story: Here is the wedding in the chapel, see all the people. Here is the wedding in the aquarium, see all the pretty colored fish. The wedding in the… More

Pain in the Tooth

Filed under Geek Girl.


More like pain in the ass – a bunch of dental work needed. Ouch. This was also pushed back because neck pain too intense for work to be done on my mouth – which meant longer time dealing with tooth pain too. Is there a way to turn back time? Mmmm. Note to self watch more Dr…. More