Stephen King – On Writing

Filed under Writing.


At first I was reluctant to read Stephen King’s book on writing. “Kill your darlings” people were telling me, “Adverbs are bad” they would say while quoting his book. Pfft. I didn’t want to kill anything and I relied on my adverbs. My god, how would I write without them? Is he crazy? I’m not… More


Filed under Junk Drawer.


Nothing like playing Cards Against Humanity to get to know your in-laws. Thanksgiving diner was promptly followed by several rounds of CAH. Tears and laugher until a headache developed. Good times had by all.

Console War 2013

Filed under Geek Girl.


It wouldn’t be unheard of for me to express my opinion and lots of people disagree. The Halo 2 trailer underwhelmed me and I complained in a discussion forum…where upon someone told my manager I should be shot/killed for my opinion.  Granted, I wasn’t aware of the I love bees marketing stint, and the whole thing… More

I’m back!

Filed under Writing.


Site is working again.