Long Journey of Recovery

Filed under Junk Drawer, Writing.


After two auto accidents in the past year between July 1st 2o13 and June 2014 it has been a long recovery. Only in June was I able to do my long walks with my dog again. One glorious week of walking 2-3 miles a day. My muscles were sore, my lower right back would ache,… More


Filed under Junk Drawer.


Tomorrow is our big move. That is all. Well, if you consider: buried under boxes, marked up with wet paint, dust bunnies stuck in your hair, bruised arms and legs, and a distinct impression you’ve placed your most precious items in an unmarked box which you will not uncover until your next move, being all.

The Spurs (so I’m told)

Filed under Uncategorized.


We are moving to a new area – this restaurant while having a dubious menu design – provides amazingly fresh and delicious food.

Walks in the Park

Filed under Junk Drawer.


Glad to be on my feet walking this summer. It’s time to get back to my 3`4 mile per day. It’s been a year since the first auto accident, and since I’ve been able to execute my normal exercise routine. Here is one park I explored near me, with creepy house included. Check out the… More

Authors vs. Amazon

Filed under Writing.


I read the articles in The Stranger regarding Amazon. I have to say, some of the writing is biased and doesn’t paint a full picture. Yes, they are blackballing a publishing house and this affects authors who have signed on with that publisher. Part of big business, and the little guy suffers.   However, the… More