ECCC2015 Panel: Ins and Outs of Self-Publishing with Kickstarter

Filed under Writing.


Panel: Daniel Davis (Steamcrow), Travis Hanson (The Bean), Paul Roman Martinez (the19xx web comic), Craig Engler (Kickstarter)   My notes from the panel. Topics may not be in order of discussion. *Some sentences are my own interpretation/flavor added.   Kickstarter is not a lifestyle, but rather a platform to help you complete a project. You… More

Turned a Corner

Filed under Writing.


Finally, I’ve turned a corner in my writing. I’ve worked diligently, if not consistently, and improved my writing skills. Beta readers notice. Those who’ve seen my earlier scenes written almost two years ago and compare them to a current scene comment on the improvement. This means I’ve turned a corner! Scenes are written cleaner from the start, they… More

Basilisk or Beta Reader

Filed under Writing.


I love my beta readers. And cringe from their direct gaze. I don’t actually die, like the stories of Basilisks, but sometimes it feels like I wither a bit inside. You see, they catch me at all my wickedness (as a writer). My a voice in my head tells me when I need to add more description,… More