Filed under Writing.
I have an author page on Amazon and Goodreads. It’s official. I’m published. Why did I think I’d suddenly ascend into a glowing ball of sparkly light? After many years struggling towards this moment, why is it that today just feels like any other day? Is this what actress/movie stars feel when they win an Oscar? Or a medal gold winner at the Olympics? There is this rush of euphoria and then within hours you are doing laundry and putting away the dishes. Part of my brain is always in gear, thinking about the next thing. Yes I have several books in the works as I write this post, but shouldn’t I take a deep breath, slow down and enjoy this moment for, I don’t know, at least a moment? That’s it! I’m going to celebrate. And you should too. Not for my accomplishments, but for yours. You too have done great achievements, things I could never do. Celebrate. Acknowledge them. Take a deep breath and hug yourself and say to yourself, “Well done.”